Village Government
Building & Zoning
Secretary: Jean Carley
Phone: 630-584-7760
Fax: 630-584-0259
The Mission of the Wayne Building Department is:
- To promote public safety
- To enhance property values
- To lower homeowner’s insurance costs
- To keep fees within the Village to be used for the direct benefit of its residents
- To maintain Wayne as a desirable community
The Building & Zoning Department accomplishes these objectives by maintaining and enforcing an ISO-certified Building Code as well as carefully considered Zoning Code in order to ensure safe, code-compliant construction activities, structures and land uses.
The Department is here to serve the residents of Wayne, and invites any questions, constructive comments or suggestions you may have. They may be submitted via email to or in person at Village Hall during normal business hours.
Below are links to resources to assist you in navigating through the Village’s Code and procedures.
Thank you very much.
ONLINE BUILDING CODE AND ZONING REGULATIONS Important: There may be amendments or updates that are not yet reflected in the online Code. Therefore, please double-check with the Village before making any final or determinative actions in reliance on the online Code.
ZONING MAP Important: The Zoning Map is intended only to delineate zoning boundaries, and remains a work in progress that may be subject to inaccuracies. In all cases, the Village Code, including all Ordinances duly adopted pursuant thereto govern.
DuPage County GIS Map: Parcel Viewer ISMA (
Kane County GIS Map: KaneGIS4 - PublicGIS (
IMPORTANT UPDATED ARTICLES: Click on the link for more information
Comprehensive Plan and Route 25 Sub Area Plan
Plan: Large download (with Graphics) or small download (without graphics)
Appendices: Large download (with Graphics) or small download (without Graphics)